Thursday, March 31, 2011

       The president of the United States of America, President Barack Obama, outlined a plan last Wednesday to cut America's imports of foreign oil by a third by the year 2025. This is his response to the growing global energy demands and instability overseas. The president's idea relies mainly on increased domestic production, conservation, and a shift to biofuels and natural gas. Despite the fact that he closed down some oil rigs off the coast. Among other things, Barack Obama said he will push for an increased use of natural gas in city and government owned trucks and buses, as well as the construction of commercial-scale biofuel refineries over the next few years. The president also anounced that he is directing the federal government to make sure that all of its vehicle purchases are alternative fuel, hybrid, or electric cars by 2015. Which is probably super expensive and will cost the country a ton of money.

       For example, higher fuel efficiency standards for cars will be introduced this fall. This summer, a new fuel efficiency standard will be proposed for heavy-duty trucks. This is all the idea of our wise and respective president. He and the White House also anounced a decision that all vehicles must have better fuel efficiency. Which was already a part of the 2007 energy act. But now they have made the lowest limit even higher and to be enacted alot sooner. Apperently the lowest amout of mpg is 36 by the year 2016. This means that pretty much every car that was made before the year 2000 won't pass emissions in 2016 so everyone will have to either buy a new car or go without. You can't sell a car that won't pass emission. And if you can't sell your previous car, how are you supposed to pay for your new fuel efficient car?

       "The United States of America cannot afford to bet our long-term prosperity and security on a resource that will eventually run out," Obama told an audience at Georgetown University. "We can't afford it when the cost to our economy, our country, and our planet is so high. There are no quick fixes," he warned. "America will keep on being a victim to shifts in the oil market until we get serious about a long-term policy for secure, affordable energy."

       Despite the ongoing crisis at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear facility that was damaged in an earthquake, Obama reaffirmed his support for a clean energy standard requiring utilities to buy about 80% of their power from "cleaner" sources like wind and solar, as well as nuclear, natural gas and clean coal, by 2035. So pretty much Obama is trying to cut out gas and oil from America even if it puts its civilians in danger of radiation. Because what if we had a gigantic earthquake that destroyed one of our neclear reactors? I bet he will want only oil in this nobel country. He says he dosen't want to take it off the table and will use more domestic drilling to provide a short term price releif. Even though he closed down a bunch of oil rigs off the coast after the issue in the Gulf. Nevertheless, the president said, America will have to increase its domestic oil production. 39 new shallow water drilling permits and seven deep water permits have been approved since tighter regulatory standards were imposed in the wake of last year's Gulf oil disaster, he noted.

        So I hope that the president will make a smart decision and just leave the oil industry how it is because it's perfectly fine and I only need a few more words and I'm done.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Pepsi Vs Coke

         The latest update in the Pepsi Coke rivalry, Pepsi has just lost its position as the 2nd greatest soda in the US. Diet Coke is now America's favorite next to its less healthy cousin, Coca-Cola. Although the soda consumption in the US has dropped in the recent years, Diet Coke has been able to pass up on sales and taste. It's actually kind of sad the a Diet Coke was able to beat the sugary awesomeness of Pepsi, but it's America, and things can change everyday.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


              Edson Arantes do Nascimento, KBE (born October 23, 1940), nicknamed Pelé, was a Brazilian, he is also a former soccer player and thought to be the finest player of all time. He was often considered the complete attacking player, he was completely two footed, an awesome finisher, exceptional at dribbling and passing, and was actually a good tackler for a forward. He was also famed for his speed and strength with the ball. Over the course of his career, Pelé scored over a thousand goals and won three World Cups. He retiered and is now an ambassader to the sport.
               Edson was born in Três Corações, Minas Gerais, Brazil. His dad was a soccer player named João Ramos do Nascimento, also known as Dondinho. He was named after American inventor Thomas Edison, and did not receive the nickname "Pelé" until his school days. He didn't like the name at first, but the more he disliked it, the more his friends called him it.
              He grew up really poor and didn't even have enough money to buy a soccer ball. He usually played with a sock stuffed with paper. He got his first real ball at the age of 6 and was scouted out by a club called Clube Atletico Bauru. At 16 he was the top goal scorer in a profesional legue in Brazil. Just ten months after that, he was recruited onto the Brazil national team.
             Out of all of his many tricky foot tricks, his most favorite and his sinature move was the best of all. It consisted in doing almost a backflip, while kicking the ball, while scoring goal after goal. This trick has become a world famous move. Many profesional player are praised for acheiving this and almost all youth in the sport practice and wish to pull this one in a game. This world astonishing move is known as the "Bicylce Kick".
            He is now an ambassador to the sport. Here are some of the few titles he earned.
-ambassador at the goodwill games in 1995
-athlete of the year by the International Olympic Comittee in 1999
-worlds greatest soccer player of all time

Is Blogging Journalism

          Many journalists today believe that blogging is taking over  the news telling industery. But bloggers think that it's just another way of telling the news. They also think that journalists are just afraid of change. Bloggers see that what they do is nothing more than sending an email, sending a text or keeping a  facebook.
They see it as a tool to share information and tell stories with an opinion behind them.
          A blog is more than telling stories  and selling them in a newspaper.With a blog, people can tell their side of a story and not get in too much trouble. They can also just talk about their own life which someone who buys the newspaper far away, don't really care about. Blogs are more personal and unprofitable unlike a journalist who writes for a paper. They have to tell all sides of a story without seeming sterotypical.
         Although blogging isn't journalism, jounalists can use a blog to tell their story or get their point across. Readers can get stories from one person in one place. This will let them either agree or disagree with the authour. Also, the readers are allowed to talk with the journalist and they can disguss important topics realativly fast.
          So as long as people can accept change in the way things are spread, get used to them and be able to use them regularly and usefully, the world of journalism and blogging can coexist.  Even though blogging is not journalism, it still has changed it. Blogging is a medium with routines of the old ways of journalism mixed with new and improved techniques.