Friday, February 25, 2011

Last Week

              This past week has been one crazy week, what with all of the soccer practiceing and all of the homework. I've kinda been slackin off in my AP geography class and had to do 2 giant book work packets with questions that were unaswered in the book. I tried to do them on the way to and from St. George, but that wasn't going to happen just because it's St. George with friends to watch soccer. So nothing got done except me taking a 6 hour long nap on the way to St. George.
               Also I had to go to soccer practice every day since forever ago. Not only is Jordan High School's soccer teams's conditioning really time consuming but it's tiering and I never have the will and or time to do my homework. If only I could have at least 6 more hours in a day.
              It's not that I don't know what I'm doing when I do my homework. I get the stuff that I'm given to do, I just don't ever want to do it. I have other things to be doing. Such as playing tons of music on tons of different insrtuments, also playing more soccer, and also Call of Duty is alot higher on the priorities of mine.
             So basicly my whole week sucked last other than the fact that I got to go to St. George, and this week wasn't the best  since I had to catch up on all of the stuff that I slacked off on and now here I'm sittin here trying to catch up in this class.

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