Friday, February 11, 2011

Soccer's the Only Thing Worth It

            So basicly, all that I have been doing the past 2 weeks is go to soccer conditioning at Jordan High School to help the coaches get to know me before tryouts and because it's good for me. I get so dang tired though. All we do is run, run and run some more.
           First we start with a ten lap warm up. And the laps are pretty dang big too. How big? Try around the school. Along with this, whenever Chin-Chin says to get down we stop and do either 10 pushups, 20 situps, or 10 frog hops. This dosen't sound too bad but while you're running a 5 k warm up, it make it a bit more dificult. The next thing we do is stairs. It's pretty much another 5k run, but this time with 2 flights of stair mixed in. Still doing Chin-Chin's workouts inbetween. Some times he likes to amp things up by makeing us go up the stairs on 1 foot, then the other then both feet at the same time. This isn't too hard either but it's actually kind of confusing trying to jump on every step.
             The next part isn't too hard. We mainly just do core workouts and the leg workouts like wall sits. We did burnouts yesterday which are where you go for as long as you can. I don't mean to toot my own horn but I sat out most of the team. The only three guys who beat me were a senior, an over acheiving junior, and this sophmore kid who went for a whole hour one time.
             When we're all done with that, we'll do a cool down and have a cheer and all that stuff. State rules say that we can't play with a soccer ball with a coach around till after tryouts so most the time after we're done with conditioning, we'll wait till Chin Chin leaves and go sneak into the little gym to play. It's not even really a game though. Everyone just goofs around and bags on Chin Chin. I don't think anyone that was on the team last year really likes him very much. I don't mind him but I think it's funny. With the name Chin Chin, you'd think this guy would be Asian right? No he's some tall curly haired white guy.
            So all in all I'm just saying that I hate going to it but if it help me get on the team, it's worth it cause I don't want to end up on some prvisional team.

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