Thursday, April 7, 2011

Reveiw...again....and again

This article review is about the Doubts Raised on Book’s Tale of Atom Bomb by the William j. Broad published on February 20, 2010. It’s basically about a guy who wrote a story about the bombing run on Hiroshima. He got some facts from a family who claimed that they were related to one of the men who was on the plane that dropped the atomic bomb. Some of the surviving men that were truly on the plane claimed that these peoples’ ancestor was never on the flight. But some say that he was. This argument has gotten the man who wrote the story in a lot of trouble.
                The key points in the story, is to get your facts right before you publish. Especially on something that is as big as the first dropping of the atomic bomb.  I thought it was interesting to know that some people say that the bomb had a malfunction while they were loading the it onto the plane. This malfunction killed a man and took away about half of the bomb’s full power. I don’t know if it’s true or not but I would really like to find out.
                And that’s the way the cookie crumbles.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Review... again

The article is about a lady from a big family who had a ton of kids who also had a ton of kids,  who then had a ton of kids.  She loved her family a lot and went to all of their family events.  She also knew all of their faces and names.  After about 2 or three generations, her and her family estimated that she had around 2000 grandchildren.
The only real key points in the article, were that this lady was good with kids and thought is was her job to reproduce. I was amazed that she was able to remember all of her family’s faces and names. Also that someone can be knowingly related to 2000 living ancestors. This is not really relevant to me at all. I don’t really agree with having that many kids, because that would be really expensive and not all of her kids would receive the attention they need to have a successful childhood. It hasn’t really influenced my life at all but it has taught me not to have more than like 3 kids.
The only knowledge that I would further like to acquire would be to find out if I know one of her decedents.

Monday, April 4, 2011


         The article was about an underdog snowboarder who's dreams were smashed but were revived  by the helping hands of two immigrants to Canada from China. These brothers came to North America not knowing any English but through hard work and perseverance, they were able to acquire large amounts of money and an expansion in their small fresh market.

           The key points in this article are that you can help people even though you have it hard. Also it's a coincidence that two struggling committees were able to find each other and help each other financially. I was really surprised that this was able to happen.

          If I were to get hurt in a soccer game or on a long board or something and someone with a lot of money and experiments were to help me out, I would be really grateful. I would want to help them as well in any way I could. The only thing that I disagree with this article is that it is really random that two grocers heard about a snowboarding failure on the radio and decided to help her out financially.

          Now all I need to do is to look up these two committees and see where they are at now and how they are doing.